lunes, 15 de febrero de 2016

Inglés 4 Presencial - Lunes 15 de febrero


Estudiaremos tres formas de expresar el futuro en inglés:

1. Present Simple (with future meaning)

2. Future Simple (with WILL)
3. Going to


1. Present Simple
Al igual que el castellano, el inglés puede utilizar la forma presente de los verbos para expresar un futuro:
  • Expresar acciones recogidas en horarios o calendarios.
 (Ej. My train arrives at 5 o'clock // The English lesson finishes at 8)

Pincha aquí para recordar la conjugación del presente simple.


2. Future Simple (WILL)
Utillizamos esta forma para expresar:
  • Predicciones futuras de algo que no estamos seguros que va a suceder. (Ej. In 2050, teachers will be robots.// In 20 years, houses will be very cheap)
  • Promesas. (Ej. I promise I will help you)
  • Frases que comiencen con el verbo "think" o para expresar cosas que acabamos de decidir en el momento. (Ej. I think we'll be good friends // You look tired, darling. I'll cook dinner for you.)
  • Frases con la palabra "ojalá" (Maybe or perhaps) (Ej. Perhaps he will come to your party)
Observa la conjugación con esta forma verbal:

Affirmative  (Suj + will + verbo)

I will work
You will work
He will work
She will work
It will work
We will work
You will work
They will work

Negative (suj + won't + verbo)

I won't work
You won`t work
He won't work
She won't work
It won't work
We won't work
You won't work
They won't work

Interrogative (Will + suj + verb)

Will I work?
Will you work?
Will he work?
Will she work?
Will it work?
Will we work?
Will you work?
Will they work?


3. Going to 
La forma "going to" es una perífrasis verbal que expresa que algo va a suceder en futuro más o menos cercano. Suele traducirse por "ir a". Utilizamos esta forma para expresar:
  • Predicciones futuras sobre algo que creemos que va a suceder (porque tenemos evidencias de ello) (Ej. Look at the sky! It's going to rain)
  • Planes e intenciones. (Ej. I am going to study German this year. // Sheila is going to visit her grandparents)
Observa la conjugación de esta forma verbal:

Affirmative (suj + verb to be + going to + verbo)

I am going to study
You are going to study
He is going to study
She is going to study
It is going to stydy
We are going to study
You are going to study
They are going to study

Negative (suj + verb to be + not + going to + verbo)

I'm not going to study
You aren't going to study
He isn't going to study
She isn't going to study
It isn't going to study
We aren't going to study
Your aren't going to study
They aren't going to study

Interrogative  (Verb to be + suj + goint to + verbo)

Am I going to study?
Are you going to study?
Is he going to study?
Is she going to study?
Is it going to study?
Are we going to study?
Are you going to study?
Are they going to study?

En los exámenes suele aparecer este tipo de ejercicio:

-Fill in the blanks with a correct FUTURE form: 

  • My sister ________________ (travel) to France on holidays.
  • The show _______________ (start) at 5.30
  • I think I _______________ (stop) running now. I'm tired.
  • Look at that car! It ___________________ (crash)!
  • The course _________________ (begin) in September.
  • Maybe Harry _____________ (marry) Mary.

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