En clase hemos repasado las normas ortográficas más básicas y hemos hecho ejercicios sobre ellas.
Repasa todas las reglas ortográficas que necesites consultando este enlace
Haz todos los ejercicios que necesites. Pincha aquí
Recoge los contenidos vistos en clase de Lengua de 2º Distancia, Lengua de Curso Preparatorio de Prueba Libre e Inglés de Curso Preparatorio de Prueba Libre.
viernes, 30 de octubre de 2015
jueves, 29 de octubre de 2015
Inglés 3 Presencial - Miércoles, 28 de octubre
Comenzamos con los contenidos del bloque 8:
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I was I wasn't Was I?
You were You weren't Were you?
He was He wasn't Was he?
She was She wasn't Was she?
It was It wasn't Was it?
We were We weren't Were we?
You were You weren't Were you?
They were They weren't Were they?
Regular verbs.
Affirmative (Suj + verb+ed) Negative (suj.+didn't+verb pres) Interrog. (did +suj+verbpres)
I lived I didn't live Did I live?
You lived You didn't live Did you live?
He lived He didn't live Did he live?
She lived She didn't live Did she live?
It lived It didn't live Did it live?
We lived We didn't live Did we live?
You lived You didn't live Did you live?
They lived They didn't live Did they live?
Irregular verbs. (Aprender lista de verbos irregulares - Lista completa)
Affirmative(Suj+verbpast) Negative(suj+didn't+verb pres) Interrog. (did + suj+ vp)
I went I didn't go Did I go?
You went You didn't go Did you go?
He went He didn't go Did he go?
She went She didn't go Did she go?
It went It didn't go Did it go?
We went We didn't go Did we go?
You went You didn't go Did you go?
They went They didn't go Did they go?
- Past Simple. Usamos este tiempo verbal para expresar acciones que ya han acabado. Suelen aparecer con expresiones de tiempo que así lo indican (Last year, yesterday, last Friday, in 1998...)
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I was I wasn't Was I?
You were You weren't Were you?
He was He wasn't Was he?
She was She wasn't Was she?
It was It wasn't Was it?
We were We weren't Were we?
You were You weren't Were you?
They were They weren't Were they?
Regular verbs.
Affirmative (Suj + verb+ed) Negative (suj.+didn't+verb pres) Interrog. (did +suj+verbpres)
I lived I didn't live Did I live?
You lived You didn't live Did you live?
He lived He didn't live Did he live?
She lived She didn't live Did she live?
It lived It didn't live Did it live?
We lived We didn't live Did we live?
You lived You didn't live Did you live?
They lived They didn't live Did they live?
Irregular verbs. (Aprender lista de verbos irregulares - Lista completa)
Affirmative(Suj+verbpast) Negative(suj+didn't+verb pres) Interrog. (did + suj+ vp)
I went I didn't go Did I go?
You went You didn't go Did you go?
He went He didn't go Did he go?
She went She didn't go Did she go?
It went It didn't go Did it go?
We went We didn't go Did we go?
You went You didn't go Did you go?
They went They didn't go Did they go?
- Study these irregular verbs:
Be(see, estar) Was, were Been
Begin(empezar) Began Begun
Break(romper) Broke Broken
Buy (comprar) Bought Bought
Do (Hacer) Did Done
Drink (Beber) Drank Drunk
Drive (conducir) Drove Driven
Eat (comer) Ate Eaten
Go (ir) Went Gone
Have (tener) Had Had
Know (saber) Knew Known
Read (leer) Read Read
Sit (sentarse) Sat Sat
Speak (hablar) Spoke Spoken
Think (pensar) Thought Thought
Win (ganar) Won Won
- Practica. Realiza estos ejercicios de pasado simple
Lengua 2 DIST - Miércoles, 28 de octubre
Ejercicios de acentuación diacrítica
(De http://blog.lengua-e.com/ - Profesor Alberto Bustos)
(De http://blog.lengua-e.com/ - Profesor Alberto Bustos)
1. ¡Donde las dan, las toman!
2. Ramiro, hijo, estés donde estés, sobre todo no vuelvas.
3. No me puedo creer donde había escondido el tesoro tu padre.
4. ¿Donde tú vives también existe la tortilla de patatas?
5. Señora, ¿donde le dejo el piano de cola?
6. Él intentó explicarnos por donde se iba al museo, pero al final acabamos en el pueblo de al lado.
7. ¡Donde vamos a ir a parar!
8. ¿Pero adonde vas con ese libro? ¿No estarás pensando en leerlo?
9. Esta es la habitación donde hago todos los días mis ejercicios de ortografía.
10. Lo importante es vivir a gusto, el donde ya es secundario.
Vamos a practicar la diferencia entre cuándo y cuando.
1. No me ha dicho cuando piensa llegar.
2. Me gusta hacer ejercicios de acentuación de cuando en cuando.
3. ¡Ay, cuando se lo diga a tu madre!
4. Mira, ha aparecido una espada láser de cuando eras pequeño.
5. ¿Cuando puedo pasar a recoger el coche?
6. No dejes de llamar cuando llegues.
7. En toda estrategia resulta fundamental determinar con exactitud el cuando.
8. ¿Desde cuando llevas el pelo violeta?
9. Aun cuando sea posible que se estrelle un asteroide contra la Tierra, hay que reconocer que esto no es demasiado probable.
10. Cuando él lo hace así, sus razones tendrá.
Ahora, consulta las soluciones.
En este ejercicio vamos a practicar la diferencia entre qué y que. Tienes que ponertilde en las palabras resaltadas en negrita cuando sea necesario. ¿Es posible en algún caso escribir la misma oración con o sin tilde diacrítica? ¿Se produce entonces alguna diferencia de significado?
a) ¡Que me dejes en paz!
b) Este es el libro que andaba yo buscando.
c) Ese señor de ahí enfrente no tiene que beber.
d) ¿Que quieres que hagamos con el gato de porcelana?
e) Sé que todo esto está siendo muy difícil para ti.
f) ¿Que si vendemos pianos de cola? No, oiga, me parece que se está equivocando.
g) Hay que ver que descarado es este niño.
h) No sé que vamos a hacer.
i) ¡Pero que bien se está aquí!
j) Lo que le importa a este filósofo es el que o, para decirlo con otras palabras, el ser intrínseco de la cuestión.
Consulta las soluciones.
Lengua Prueba Libre - Miércoles 28 de octubre
Estudia los distintos tipos de oraciones coordinadas en este enlace
Estudia las oraciones subordinadas sustantivas
- Lee estos apuntes atentamente
- Aprende los distintos tipos de subordinadas sustantivas que expone esta página de forma muy sencilla (aprende sólo las subordinadas sustantivas de sujeto, de atributo, de CD, de CI y de C.Reg o Suplemento)
- Intenta analizar las siguientes oraciones (las corregiremos en clase la semana que viene)
- El soldado vio que la batalla estaba perdida
- No es necesario que levantes la voz de ese modo
- El problema es que no tienes paciencia
- Dime cómo hago los deberes
Esquemas-resumen (click para agrandar)
miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2015
Ingles 1DIST - Martes 27 de octubre
- Estudia la conjugación del verbo HAVE (tener) en presente.
I have got = I've got
You have got = You've got
He has got = He's got
She has got = She's got
It has got = It's got
We have got = We've got
You have got = You've got
They have got = They've got
I haven't got (I have not got)
You haven't got
He hasn't got
She hasn't got
It hasn't got
We haven't got
You haven't got
They haven't got
Have I got?
Have you got?
Has he got?
Has she got?
Has it got?
Have we got?
Have you got?
Have they got?
El verbo have también se puede conjugar sin la partícula "got" con el mismo significado.
En otras ocasiones, en combinación con otras palabras, have adquiere distintos significados.
Estudia estas expresiones:
- Have breakfast (Desayunar)
- Have lunch (Comer - almorzar)
- Have dinner (Cenar)
- Have a shower (Ducharse)
- Have a bath (Darse un baño)
- Have a coffee (Tomar un café)
Practica con este ejercicio y con este otro
- Aprende algunas expresiones que en castellano se construyen con el verbo tener y, sin embargo, en inglés, se construyen con el verbo ser (to be):
- Tener miedo: to be afraid - He is afraid of snakes
- Tener X años: to be X years old - Peter is 34 years old
- Tener hambre: to be hungry - I'm hungry.
- Tener sed: to be thirsty - They are thirsty
- Tener prisa: to be in a hurry - Mary is in a hurry
Inglés 1 Presencial - Martes 27 de octubre
- Estudia la conjugación del verbo HAVE (tener) en presente.
I have got = I've got
You have got = You've got
He has got = He's got
She has got = She's got
It has got = It's got
We have got = We've got
You have got = You've got
They have got = They've got
I haven't got (I have not got)
You haven't got
He hasn't got
She hasn't got
It hasn't got
We haven't got
You haven't got
They haven't got
Have I got?
Have you got?
Has he got?
Has she got?
Has it got?
Have we got?
Have you got?
Have they got?
El verbo have también se puede conjugar sin la partícula "got" con el mismo significado.
En otras ocasiones, en combinación con otras palabras, have adquiere distintos significados.
Estudia estas expresiones:
- Have breakfast (Desayunar)
- Have lunch (Comer - almorzar)
- Have dinner (Cenar)
- Have a shower (Ducharse)
- Have a bath (Darse un baño)
- Have a coffee (Tomar un café)
Practica con este ejercicio y con este otro
- Aprende algunas expresiones que en castellano se construyen con el verbo tener y, sin embargo, en inglés, se construyen con el verbo ser (to be):
- Tener miedo: to be afraid - He is afraid of snakes
- Tener X años: to be X years old - Peter is 34 years old
- Tener hambre: to be hungry - I'm hungry.
- Tener sed: to be thirsty - They are thirsty
- Tener prisa: to be in a hurry - Mary is in a hurry
martes, 27 de octubre de 2015
Inglés Prueba Libre - Lunes 26 de octubre
- Estudiamos el PAST SIMPLE:
- Usamos este tiempo verbal para expresar acciones que ya han acabado. Suelen aparecer con expresiones de tiempo que así lo indican (Last year, yesterday, last Friday, in 1998...)
Verb to be
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I was I wasn't Was I?
You were You weren't Were you?
He was He wasn't Was he?
She was She wasn't Was she?
It was It wasn't Was it?
We were We weren't Were we?
You were You weren't Were you?
They were They weren't Were they?
Regular verbs.
Affirmative (Suj + verb+ed) Negative (suj.+didn't+verb pres) Interrog. (did +suj+verbpres)
I lived I didn't live Did I live?
You lived You didn't live Did you live?
He lived He didn't live Did he live?
She lived She didn't live Did she live?
It lived It didn't live Did it live?
We lived We didn't live Did we live?
You lived You didn't live Did you live?
They lived They didn't live Did they live?
Irregular verbs. (Aprender lista de verbos irregulares)
Affirmative(Suj+verbpast) Negative(suj+didn't+verb pres) Interrog. (did + suj+ verb pres)
I went I didn't go Did I go?
You went You didn't go Did you go?
He went He didn't go Did he go?
She went She didn't go Did she go?
It went It didn't go Did it go?
We went We didn't go Did we go?
You went You didn't go Did you go?
They went They didn't go Did they go?
I was studying
You were studying
He was studying
She was studying
It was studying
We were studying
You were studying
They were studying
NEGATIVE (suj + wasn't/weren't + verbo+ing)
Usamos este tiempo verbal para expresar acciones que estaban teniendo lugar en un momento del pasado (Yesterday at 5 o'clock / Last Monday at 4.30) Se trata de acciones que tuvieron cierta duración en el tiempo y que el hablante quiere resaltar.
I was working yesterday at 11.
Muchas veces este tiempo verbal aparece en combinación con el Past Simple. La acción expresada por el Past Continuous sería una acción larga que se ve interrumpida por una acción más corta expresada por el Past Simple
She was watching TV when I arrived (Ella estaba viendo la tele cuando yo llegué)
He was driving very fast when the police stopped him (Estaba conduciendo muy rápido cuando la policia lo paró)
The post arrived while I was working on the project (El correo llegó mientras yo estaba trabajando en el proyecto)
Estas oraciones compuestas suelen ir unidas con los conectores WHEN (cuando) y WHILE (mientras)
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I was I wasn't Was I?
You were You weren't Were you?
He was He wasn't Was he?
She was She wasn't Was she?
It was It wasn't Was it?
We were We weren't Were we?
You were You weren't Were you?
They were They weren't Were they?
Regular verbs.
Affirmative (Suj + verb+ed) Negative (suj.+didn't+verb pres) Interrog. (did +suj+verbpres)
I lived I didn't live Did I live?
You lived You didn't live Did you live?
He lived He didn't live Did he live?
She lived She didn't live Did she live?
It lived It didn't live Did it live?
We lived We didn't live Did we live?
You lived You didn't live Did you live?
They lived They didn't live Did they live?
Irregular verbs. (Aprender lista de verbos irregulares)
Affirmative(Suj+verbpast) Negative(suj+didn't+verb pres) Interrog. (did + suj+ verb pres)
I went I didn't go Did I go?
You went You didn't go Did you go?
He went He didn't go Did he go?
She went She didn't go Did she go?
It went It didn't go Did it go?
We went We didn't go Did we go?
You went You didn't go Did you go?
They went They didn't go Did they go?
- Practica. Realiza estos ejercicios de pasado simple
- Study these irregular verbs:
Be(see, estar) Was, were Been
Begin(empezar) Began Begun
Break(romper) Broke Broken
Buy (comprar) Bought Bought
Do (Hacer) Did Done
Drink (Beber) Drank Drunk
Drive (conducir) Drove Driven
Eat (comer) Ate Eaten
Go (ir) Went Gone
Have (tener) Had Had
Know (saber) Knew Known
Read (leer) Read Read
Sit (sentarse) Sat Sat
Speak (hablar) Spoke Spoken
Think (pensar) Thought Thought
Win (ganar) Won Won
- Estudiamos el PAST CONTINUOUS.
I was studying
You were studying
He was studying
She was studying
It was studying
We were studying
You were studying
They were studying
NEGATIVE (suj + wasn't/weren't + verbo+ing)
I wasn't studying
You weren't studying
He wasn't studying
She wasn't studying
It wasn't studying
We weren't studying
You weren't studying
They weren't studying
INTERROGATIVE (Was/were + suj + verbo+ing)
Was I studying?
Were you studying?
Was he studying?
Was she studying?
Was it studying?
Were we studying?
Were you studying?
Were they studying?Usamos este tiempo verbal para expresar acciones que estaban teniendo lugar en un momento del pasado (Yesterday at 5 o'clock / Last Monday at 4.30) Se trata de acciones que tuvieron cierta duración en el tiempo y que el hablante quiere resaltar.
I was working yesterday at 11.
Muchas veces este tiempo verbal aparece en combinación con el Past Simple. La acción expresada por el Past Continuous sería una acción larga que se ve interrumpida por una acción más corta expresada por el Past Simple
She was watching TV when I arrived (Ella estaba viendo la tele cuando yo llegué)
He was driving very fast when the police stopped him (Estaba conduciendo muy rápido cuando la policia lo paró)
The post arrived while I was working on the project (El correo llegó mientras yo estaba trabajando en el proyecto)
Estas oraciones compuestas suelen ir unidas con los conectores WHEN (cuando) y WHILE (mientras)

A veces, también se puede expresar que dos acciones largas ocurrieron de forma paralela en el tiempo:
I was studying while she was reading (Yo estaba estudiando mientras ella estaba leyendo)
- Practica con este ejercicio
Inglés 2DIST - Lunes, 26 de octubre
Comenzamos a estudiar la conjugación de PRESENT SIMPLE:
- Si no recuerdas el presente del verbo ser, pincha aquí
I work
You work
He works
She works
It works
We work
You work
They work
* Reglas para añadir -s a la 3ª persona del singular en los verbos:
1. La mayoría de los verbos añaden una -s sin que haya cambios
work--works // live--lives
2. Los verbos acabados en -o, -ss, -ch, sh ó x, añaden -es
wash--washes // watch-watches // do--does
3. Los verbos acabados en consonante + y, cambian la -y por -i y añaden -es
4. Los verbos acabados en vocal+y, añaden -s sin que haya ningún cambio.
buy-- buys
5. El verbo have en tercera persona del singular cambia a has
Forma negativa (Suj+ don't + verbo) (En 3ª pers. sing. suj+ doesn't + verbo)
I don't work
You don't work
He doesn't work
She doesn't work
It doesn't work
We don't work
You don't work
They don't work
- Si no recuerdas el presente del verbo ser, pincha aquí
- La mayoría del resto de los verbos siguen esta conjugación:
Forma Afirmativa (Suj + verbo) (En 3ª pers. sing., añadir -s al verbo)I work
You work
He works
She works
It works
We work
You work
They work
* Reglas para añadir -s a la 3ª persona del singular en los verbos:
1. La mayoría de los verbos añaden una -s sin que haya cambios
work--works // live--lives
2. Los verbos acabados en -o, -ss, -ch, sh ó x, añaden -es
wash--washes // watch-watches // do--does
3. Los verbos acabados en consonante + y, cambian la -y por -i y añaden -es
4. Los verbos acabados en vocal+y, añaden -s sin que haya ningún cambio.
buy-- buys
5. El verbo have en tercera persona del singular cambia a has
Forma negativa (Suj+ don't + verbo) (En 3ª pers. sing. suj+ doesn't + verbo)
I don't work
You don't work
He doesn't work
She doesn't work
It doesn't work
We don't work
You don't work
They don't work
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